Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nesting wrens

It's been a busy week at home and work, with no free time for posting or reading blogs.  But last weekend, during a break from working in the garden, I was able to get some pictures of a wren couple building a nest in the new birdhouse.  (Be sure to click on the pictures for a closer view.)  All of my birdhouses, including the Colonial Williamsburg bird bottle, have been filled with nests this Spring.
If you're interested in learning more about the birds that feed and nest in your garden, check out the Cornell Lab of Ornithology site.


paula said...

what a pretty bird house for such lovely birds.

What is that you have growing on your fence? I am looking to cover mine a bit.

Linda said...

The wrens sure are busy in that cute birdhouse. We have some wrens nesting in our garden too, and I got told off good and proper this morning when I went back to that part of the garden.

donna said...

If there's a more amusing bird to have in the yard, I don't know what it is. Luv these photos.


Curbstone Valley Farm said...

How could any self-respecting wren not want to live in such a lovely home. How wonderful! We just discovered a Pacific-slope flycatcher nest on top of our front porch light. Clearly, we need to install more bird houses!