Sunday, August 29, 2010

"An aspect tenderly illumed"

Departing summer hath assumed
An aspect tenderly illumed,
The gentlest look of spring;
That calls from yonder leafy shade
Unfaded, yet prepared to fade,
A timely carolling.
- William Wordsworth, September

I came home from work Friday evening and walked around the garden, thinking of all the chores I had planned for the weekend.  I had my camera in hand, thinking I might take a picture or two of flowers or plants that haven't been totally disfigured by whatever is eating holes in so many leaves.  But what I wanted to capture on film wasn't a plant, it was the light.   The late afternnon light has begun to change as September approaches.  It makes me feel peaceful and wistful and sentimental.  Though, it's not something the camera can adequately record, the light is what I tried to photograph - 
I especially love the way the light filters through the trees.
Mums are budding - I should be seeing blooms soon.

These dogwood leaves have already turned - maybe the dogwood is as eager for autumn as I am.
The lone coreopsis bloom.  I'm hoping for another flush of blooms before they fade away.
The zinnias are standing tall.   I sowed some seeds late and the birds are eating the blooms even before they open.   (Notice the light through the trees in the background.)
The sun had almost set when I  took this picture, but I couldn't resist taking a picture of the moonflower blooms.

The temperature won't feel a thing like fall this week - the forecast calls for temperatures in the upper 90s with no rain.  But September will be here and cool, crisp air can't be too far in the future!


Gary said...

Hi Ginny,
Some lovely picture of your equally lovely garden. The summerhouse just invites a person in! The moonflower is amazing, never seen one of those before.

debsgarden said...

Late afternoon is my favorite time to take photos! The light can be absolutely transforming at that time. Your garden is lovely. I planted a moon vine very late in the season this year. it is just beginning to grow. I hope I can get some gorgeous blooms like yours. They are so romantic!

Kate Walz said...

Hi Ginny - I love the late afternoon light too. From your photos you can almost feel the crispness in the air. Your Moonflowers look fantastic! I just posted on my blog about my first bloom and how excited I was. But I love how yours are all together. They are beautiful!

Gail said...

Change is in the air even if the temperature still say summer! Love your header photo Ginny~it's really beautiful. gail

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

I love the evenings aswell in the garden - even some of the scents of the flowers are more noticeable then too. Light is lovely then too - not so harsh but lovely and soft and with the leaves changing colour it makes them look golden at times. I'm not really looking forward to autumn but the signs of it are already here - the first frosts have arrived in Scotland and leaves are already falling.

Chloe m said...

Thank you, Thank you for the helpful comment you left on my blog.
What a coincidence that my father in law was also in the newspaper business. And my husband worked there for a short time.

Loved the poetry you shared here. I love Wordsworth!

Anonymous said...

Very lovely images. The evening light is wonderful, but that is when I usually run into the mosquitoes. This dry year has been good in regards. I need to take advantage of that light as you have done. The idea of shooting for the light creates mood, just as you wanted. Again, gorgeous photos.

Randy Emmitt said...


Loved the moon flower photo. We grew them a few years ago, need to plant them every year.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a beautiful garden you have! I've noticed the light changing here and it does something to my mood, I know what you mean about it making you feel sentimental.