Sunday, October 24, 2010

The star of the show

This dogwood is the star of the show in my garden right now, though the others come close.  The dogwoods turn first and the other trees seem to wait for them, giving them center stage.  The leaves of this one look like rubies hanging in the sky when the sun shines through them.
Some other show-offs in the garden now are the pyracantha, loaded with berries,
and the mums, of course,
But I also love the hydrangeas at this time of year
and the finch at the feeder at every season of the year!


Karen said...

Ginny, I certainly wish I had a dogwood after seeing your pictures. How beautiful! The leaves do look like rubies. I also love the yellow centers on your pink mums and the pink in the hydrangea and finch.

sweetbay said...

Those ruby-red dogwood leaves are beautiful!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That dogwood is gorgeous and I love that little finch.

Enjoy all that beauty that is surrounding you.


Lona said...

Hi Ginny. Your dogwood is just beautiful. I love the dark red foliage and berries.
Your rose colored mums with the yellow centers are so pretty. You have some colorful displays for your Fall garden.

agreenearth said...

What a beautiful garden.

fer said...

You have very beautiful colors in your garden!

One said...

You are right about the dogwood taking centre stage. It's definitely outstanding.

Carole Sevilla Brown said...

The finches are such cheery birds, always singing. Your garden is really quite lovely!

Kathy said...

I love dogwoods and especially enjoyed yours!

Chloe m said...

I love when you see those trees that simply glow in the autumn light. This dogwood you showed is doing just that. Beautiful Mums!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Ginny;
What fab photos. I love that dogwood. The foliage is just gorgeous.

Catharine Howard's Garden Blog said...

So useful to be reminded of what looks good and when - I am going to make a point of hunting blog archives in the grim grey months of Jan and Feb.

Catharine Howard's Garden Blog said...

i am not sure where my comment has gone - presumed lost but loved the seasonal images here!

Stephanie Suesan Smith, Ph.D. said...

The dogwoods have not turned here yet, although we got rain and some hail the last two days. You have a beautiful garden and a cheerful bird to enjoy it.

Gail said...

The dogwoods are certainly wonderful in fall color~We had big wind rush through and most of them lost their leaves, but the rain has been delicious~gail

Cat said...

Your dogwood is gorgeous! I grew up with them and miss their beautiful flowers and fall color. I've planted a Texas dogwood here in my Texas garden. It still remains to be seen whether or not it will produce any fall color! We've still got a few weeks before we start really turning (what little we get!).

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Hi Ginny,
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a welcome comment. You BETTER start banking those moments. We all need them, but when we love gardening we're ahead of the game. I feel so fortunate to earn my living writing about nature and gardening. Truly blessed.

About being a fledgling gardener and not knowing much...we're all fledglings and we have so much to learn every wonderful day.

All joys to you,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Kate Walz said...

Dogwoods are my favorite tree and the fall color is one of the reasons. Lovely photos! I love pyracantha in the fall too - the berries always reminded me of little tiny mini pumpkins!