Monday, January 24, 2011

How do you keep your heart warm?

"How can those who do not garden, who have no lot in the great fraternity 
of those who watch the changing year as it affects the
earth and its growth, how can they keep warm their hearts in winter?"
- Francis King

If you saw this
you might think it beautiful
but doesn't it warm your heart to know that in April
it will be transformed to this?
On seeing this hydrangea, still nearly perfect in form, though lacking color
are you sad for the loss of what was?
Or does it fill you with joyful anticipation of what will be?
There's a delicate and almost fragile beauty in what remains
But, ahh, what softness and color in the young bloom!

"Turn down the noise. Reduce the speed.
 Be like the somnolent bears, or those other animals that slow down 
and almost die in the cold season.
 Let it be the way it is. The magic is there in its power."
- Henry Mitchell

I will turn down the noise and let it be, 
knowing that the cycle of life goes on and Spring will come.

I have winners from the Moonflower seed give-away!
The winners are:  
Just send me a message with your mailing address via the e-mail link on my profile and I will get the seeds off to you!  Thanks so much to everyone who left me a comment on the Moonflower post.


Southern Lady said...

Yea me!! I am so excited! I can't wait to plant my seeds. I just love this post. The pictures of what is and is to come warmed my heart. Carla

Randy Emmitt said...


I was warmed by seeing dwarf irises poking out of he ground here the other day. Love the photos you posted!

Curbstone Valley Farm said...

A beautiful post Ginny. I think the drabness of winter, sometimes we forget about the beauty of spring that's just around the corner.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

What a great idea for a post and so artfully executed with your words and the quotes! Very encouraging for this time of year. Yes, the dried flowers are lovely in their own way, but the promise of what they will become is breathtaking!

Karen said...

What a wonderful reminder and contrast! How lovely!

Floridagirl said...

This beautiful post has warmed my heart today, Ginny! Really enjoyed it!

Lona said...

Hi Ginny. I can see the beauty in them at any season. I just prefer the flowering stage. LOL!

Daricia said...

ginny, your thoughtful post feels warm on a cold day. and i love the cheerful scene in your header photo.

Amy said...

Wow....I won! I am looking forward to seeing those pretty moonflowers in my garden. Thanks so much, Ginny!
Enjoyed your post. Before I started gardening I never looked twice at the brown, dried up blooms or seeds. Now, I think they are pretty and interesting.

Laura Bloomsbury said...

Hi Ginny - found the contrasts between youth and age here very touching and so beautiful. Lovely post and how divine that blue of the hydrangea.

Carol said...

Ginny, This is such a heart warming and lovely post. I love the poem and it is so perfectly illustrated with your beautiful photos. There is beauty in the lifeless forms of our faded flowers . . . of what was. . . beauty is fleeting but the core of its beauty . . . life sleeps deep within the earth and within the hearts of humankind.

p3chandan said...

Hello Ginny, such lovely quotes to accompany great photos!

Alistair said...

Ginny, you warmed the cockles of my heart.

debsgarden said...

Turn down the noise and let it be - what a wonderful sentiment. I wasn't familiar with Henry Mitchell's poem; thanks for introducing it to me! I love your photos. To me, they speak of hope and promise. Lovely post!

Cat said...

Ginny this is a beautiful post and such a poignant reminder of how important it is to be in the moment and enjoy it for what it is...
Btw, love your new blog header - very cute!

Plant Chaser said...

Beautiful post Ginny! The quotations are wonderful as are the photos. I am already anticipating the coming photos of color, vibrancy and life to be brought by your coming spring. -- Bom / Plant Chaser

Kate Walz said...

What a great post and so thoughtfully put together. I know spring is around the corner - more far away for some than others, but still... it's coming!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny,
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a thoughtful comment. It seems very fitting to me that the garden at rest is "in neutral gear" with soft beiges and browns. You are right that it warms the heart, on a cold winter day such as this, to know that spring is not very far off.

Appalachian Feet said...

The latest issue of How to Find Great Plants is here and your zinnias post is listed. Thanks so much for participating, I hope you will again next month. Here’s the issue:

Beautiful poetry and photos!

potagerblog said...

This post warms the cockles of my heart. Thank you!

Amy said...

Hi Ginny,
I received the seeds in the mail yesterday. Thanks so much! ~Amy

Diana Studer said...

Oh what a glorious new header you have !!