Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tweak, tweak, tweak

My, what big eyes you have!

Tweakto adjust; fine tune.
I don't think this little skipper needs to fine tune anything, do you?  He's just there to get your attention, since I don't have anything to illustrate my subject matter.  (Read to the end though, and you'll find links to pictures.)

Tweaking is what I've been doing to my blog since I became serious about posting to it sometime last summer.  Until that time, "Ginny's garden" was a convenient way to share some pictures with a few family members and friends.  My original goal was to use the blog as an online diary and plant record, primarily to record what was blooming when and to give myself some perspective on how things were changing over time.

But then I found Blotanical and other garden blogs and was inspired.  I changed my header and my layout.  I added gadgets to my sidebar.  I took many more pictures - so many more that my husband complained that I was wearing out the camera.  (I bought my own camera in August - though I still like to use our shared SLR sometimes.)
And recently I added additional pages.  You'll see the tabs just under the header:
  • Garden Diary:  This page is a record of what I've been doing in the garden and what the weather has been like.  It's in reverse chronological order with the newest entries first.  Maybe not too interesting for readers, but useful for me.
  • Blog Hopping:  This pages contains links to all the blogs linked together for blog hop.  Check this out and join in.
  • What grows in my garden:  Here are pictures with identification of many of the plants in my garden.  Most of the pictures were taken at the peak season, so the plants are shown at their best.  Unfortunately, I was pretty far into this page before I thought of how nice it would be to have the plants in alphabetical order.  Or perhaps in seasonal order.  But they're neither - they're just random.  Maybe I'll redo this one over the winter.
  • Resources:  You'll find links to web resources on this page.  Many of them are resources especially helpful for gardeners in the Carolinas, but there are some general ones as well.  I'll be adding to this page as I find more resources.  If you have resource recommendations, please pass them on!
My big winter project will be a page chronicling the history of my garden.  After that's set up, I'll update it at least annually.    Meanwhile, I hope you'll check out my other pages.  And then hop on over and check out the most recent post on my other blog, The Blessing Bowl.  You might learn a little more about me there.


Chloe m said...

After I figured out how to do pages on my blog, I just couldn't quit.
I look forward to reading more about your garden.

One said...

Hi Ginny, It's the same for me too. Initially blogging was for me to organize my photos and pen down my thoughts, share with a few friends...then several months ago I also created new tab for Blog Hop and met many new friends in the Blogosphere... :)

BernieH said...

It's been great fun coming along on the journey with you as your blog has developed ... loving the new look and the new features. I for one will be looking forward to your new page on the history of your garden. Love the blog hopping page and your garden diary page ... it's interesting reading.

Lona said...

Hi Ginny. Love your header picture. Gorgeous! Your tweaking has paid off. I have not tried the tabs yet but I like yours. I had to go see what was growing in your garden. You have so many pretty flowers in your garden.
The Skippers do look like all eyes don't they ? LOL!

Anonymous said...

I am so new to blogging that tweaking is a chore I will do when the snow starts falling. Your blog has a great look and is easy to navigate. Like you, it will be a process to tweak the blog that will happen over time. Same goes for photos. I need to pay closer attention to my photography.It has paid off for you as your photos are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great, Ginny! I'm always tweaking mine... an ongoing hobby. :)
Thanks for popping by my little blog - I hope you have a lovely weekend!
~ Zuzu said...

The colors are so vibrant. Thanks for sharing your photos. If you want to sneak a peak at mine---they are in the photo gallery

Kate Walz said...

Your blog is great and I am enjoying your new tweaks and the ones yet to come! I'm relatively new to blogging too, so I'm always getting inspired by others' ideas. Keep up the great work!

sweetbay said...

Love the picture of the skipper! He reminds me of a teddy bear.

I'll be looking forward to reading more about your garden!

Karen said...

Hi Ginny, I wonder if we all start blogging the same way? I started mine for the same reason, a way to cut down on the amount of emails I was writing by putting it 'out there'. I love your blog and I can see where I need to do some tweaking too. Thank you for inspiration and I look forward to reading all of your pages.

Carolyn ♥ said...

LOVE your new look and how your blog has evolved. Isn't that part of the fun of blogging?

Gloria Bonde said...

Nice tweaks and beauiful fall leaves

Chloe m said...

You won some hollyhock seeds on my blog. I would love to send them to you. Let me know your address, my e-mail is on my blog, on the "contact" tab.
Have a great weekend!

debsgarden said...

I haven't done any tweaking to my own blog in a while, but I have ideas and am inspired by bloggers like you. I really look forward to reading the history of your garden! You are doing great!

bacon seed said...

Hi Ginny!
I always enjoy reading your blog :) Looking forward to your garden's history!!